March 1, 2010

Control Freaks

Most all of you have had to contend with control freaks. These are those people who insist on having their way in all interactions with you. They wish to set the agenda and decide what it is you will do and when you will do it. You know who they are – they have a driving need to run the show and call the shots. Lurking within the fabric of the conversation is the clear threat that if you do not accede to their needs and demands, they will be unhappy.
Certainly, it’s natural to want to be in control of your life. But when you have to be in control of the people around you as well, when you literally can’t rest until you get your way … you have a personality disorder.
Deep down, these people are terrified of being vulnerable. They believe they can protect themselves by staying in control of every aspect of their lives, including their relationships. Control freaks take the need and urge to control to new heights, causing others stress so they can maintain a sense of order. These people are riddled with anxiety, fear, insecurity, and anger. They’re very critical of themselves their lover and their friends, but underneath that perfect outfit and great body is a mountain of unhappiness.

The Psychological Dynamics That Fuel a Control Freak
The need to control is almost always fueled by anxiety – though control freaks seldom recognize their fears. At work, they may worry about failure. In relationships, they may worry about not having their needs met. To keep this anxiety from overwhelming them, they try to control the people or things around them. They have a hard time with negotiation and compromise and they can’t stand imperfection. Needless to say, they are difficult to live with, work with and/or socialize with.

Jealous People

They who thinks that they are better than everyone else. Then goes on a huge anger spree and is mean to people just because they think they can be. This happens when someone with the wrong kind of personality (See DICKHEAD) is given any form of power or privilege they go completely nuts and develop into mini-Adolf-Hitlers, taking extreme pride and even joy in exercising their new found control over others.


All backstabbers share a common denominator; they all want something from you. Whether it is your computer, your style, practically anything, varies from person to person.
They might say they're your friends' , but the moment your back is turned, they lie about you to others. No one wants to be hurt in this way, but how do deal with them?.
If you have a bad feeling about somebody, listen to your instincts
If somebody betrays you, don't trust that person again without extensive consideration.
If the other person doesn't have friends of his or her own, there may be a reason. Perhaps other people know something that you don't.
If someone is mean to you one minute and nice to you the next, there is definitely something wrong.
If someone is too aggressive or tries too hard to sell you on something, he or she is likely setting you up.
Trust your real friends. They're here to help you.
Try to detect from an early stage what the backstabber is interested in sucking from you.
If the backstabber persists in pestering you, we can either ignore him or tell him dispassionately that you do not want deal with them anymore .. If they detect a weakness in your firmness, they will try as hard as they can to puncture it.

Don't rely on the backstabber for anything; even the tiniest of things. In this way, you will avoid situations where you owe him/her a favor. This technique takes patience, practice and goes completely against your better nature. The backstabber will get the hint and move on the next sucker/victim.
Also do not tell them any secret that you want kept hidden, as they will tell it to another one of their "friends" the moment it will gain them something.
Treat him/her like you would any other snake.